. sayings on fools and foolishness. They agree that it is okay to be foolish . the Fool: To act like the idiot or foolishly. Tomfoolery: Foolish behavior . call the fooled .
mid-14c., "to be foolish, act the fool . Related: Fooled; fooling. Fool . foolish early 14c., from fool (n.) + -ish. Related: Foolishly; foolishness.
Fool-born Fool-happy Fool-hasty Fool-large Fool-largesse Foolahs Fooled . Fooling Foolish Foolishly Foolishness Foolscap Foot Foot candle Foot Guards Foot pound Foot poundal Foot ton .
Fooled Foolhardy Fooling Foolish Foolishly Foolishness Foolproof Fools Foot Footage Football Footballer Footballers Foothills Foothold Footing Footloose Footnote
. spent all their money on foolish little knickknacks. fool ish�ly adv. . foolishly adv. foolishness n. Thesaurus Legend: Synonyms Related . fooled fooled around fooled around fooled .
fool; fooled; foolery; foolhardiness; foolhardy; fooling; foolish; foolishly; foolishness; foolproof; foolscap; foot; foot and mouth (disease) footage; football; football coupon
v. fooled, fool�ing, fools. v.tr. fooled, fooling, foolish, foolishly, foolishness, fools 1. To deceive or trick; dupe: "trying to . foolish woman foolishly foolishly foolishly foolishness foolishness foolishness
foolhardiness foolhardy fooling foolish foolishly foolishness foolproof foolscap . He had fooled around with every girl in town before he met Helen. Il .
. Fool-large Fool-largesse Fooled Fooleries Foolery Foolfish Foolhardihood Foolhardily Foolhardiness Foolhardise Foolhardy Foolify Fooling Foolish Foolishly Foolishness
Fooled; Foolery; Foolfish; Foolhardily; Foolhardiness; Foolhardy; Fooling; Foolish; Foolishly; Foolishness; Foolkiller; Foolproof; Fools; Foolscap; Foon; Foot; Footage; Footages
See also Fooled Quotes, Fooling Quotes, Foolish Quotes, Foolishly Quotes, Foolishness Quotes, Fools Quotes, Core English Vocabulary (F) Quotes, Top 1,000 UK English Words .
fool fooled fooleries foolery foolfish foolfishes . foolish foolisher foolishest foolishly foolishness foolishnesses foolproof fools
List words fooled, fooling, foolish, foolishly, foolishness, fools starting with fool . fool fooled fooleries foolery foolfish . fooling foolish foolisher foolishest foolishly foolishness
Foolish Thoughts. Fool and His Money. Fool For . Foolishness. No man really becomes a fool until he stops asking . Fool me
Foolish Book Review: "Fooled by Randomness" By Jim Mueller . reason for events, sometimes quite foolishly. For . Fool contributor Jim Mueller owns shares of .
Fooled; Foolery; Foolfish; Foolhardily; Foolhardiness; Foolhardy; Fooling; Foolish; Foolishly; Foolishness; Foolkiller; Foolproof; Fools; Foolscap; Foon; Foot; Footage; Footages
foolish adjective absurd, beyond belief, bizarre, . fooled fooled fooled around fooled
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